well,i'll start with personality,I am interested in history,and i care about it. I might start talking about how humans dont care about history at all and go in many many detailed things (like how nothing is actually proven)so tell me if it triggers you lol, ANYWAAAAY !!!!!!!!!

I am a calm person,I'll just listen to you while staying silent forever, I am here to listen,if you want.I'll say i am a very respectful person,(if one of my OLD friends defends/admits that i am not that was in the past,not my problem)If i disagree i wont even harsh at all I'll respectfully leave,but of course i might correct you,but if your opinion is the same then..that is a YOU problem. Also,if youre interested in history then congrats!!!you have my respect and i love you. I am a busy person i am sorry if i ignore you.Or i might be depressed or sad or mad and stuff.sorry in advance:( also i have a feeling like i am born in wrong generation,if thats cringe to you,go fuck yourself.I am too serious,if you think thats funny,i dont know how to respond.

yes...probably a red flag for most of you guys but i have a dark humor,lol. literally leave if youre annoyed!this internet!!theres even porn of fucking h1tler!!!11!!!1 also use tonetags pls

do not fucking talk to me if you have negative thoughts about ATATURK or i'll eat you aliv

- Any N4z1 supporters. I do make fun of hitler because it's deserved. Literally kill yourself lmao that does not make you mature that you think the things they've done is not important. ANYWAY ,rest in peace holocaust victims .- BASIC DNI CRITERIA .- You make fun of people who collects figures and call them moee i dont know what to say- YOU make fun of hyperfixations !- You call people who are actually serious 'nerd' and 'NPC' .- younger than 2013 I dont know what r u doin here?

It is an AU where AUBREY plays role of 'OMORI!'working on lore,i also use that name :D
